Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday the 12th

Everyone talks about the ominous Friday the 13th but has anyone spoken of Friday the 12th?
Call me superstitious if you’d like but here’s a recap of my day so far:

1. Spilled my morning coffee 5 minutes before I leave the house for work
2. Miss my bus
3. Wait for the next one only to realize that I don’t have my tickets with me (and nowhere around to buy any)
4. Get’s in a taxi with a new driver which was driving under the speed limits
5. Late for work
6. Three phone calls on hold while computer is locked for maintenance by the IT dpt.
7. Third phone call was about a marble plate that (with the help of the cleaning lady of the upper floor of my house) chipped off the balcony and fell right in the center of my parked car’s back window shattering it to pieces!
8. Trying to find a garage that’s is open after working hours so that I would have the time to go after work, or even tomorrow.. but NO, “Sir, we are really sorry but tomorrow is Saturday”.. what did I expect?
9. Fighting with the taxi driver upon my return drive home as he insists to take a longer path and trying to convince me that my proposed route is much longer. Result: stuck on traffic..
10. Back home and first raindrops start to threaten my now open hood car! (which I got to cover right on time before the first rainfall since last winter!!)

Luckily.. yes I did say “luckily”, somewhere among those 10 points, I got a rather nice surprise today, which more or less made up and erased anything negative..
Big thank you to that nice surprise for making me smile!


Equilibrium said...

Life is full of surprises...

Surprise comes into many faces, like love...

Surprise should be respected... it is as if time and universe conspire over as...

It is not an accident.. it is a prearranged incident that moves us forward..

Love is an accident though... U c someone always gets a heart broken

Life > Surprise > Love...

and back again, from scratch

The journey is endless..

Hope u enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

egw zen tserw poia htan h surprise... Mono gia to parmpriz mou eipes :-( moutra!


Axis Mundi said...

@ equilibrium.. simfonw apolyta kai apauksanw

@ioannita mou, mh mou fouskoneis ta magoula emena giati se vlepw!!! to surprise = pio panw.. :))

@ both, to parpriz ftiaxtike molis twra!

Anonymous said...

synexizw na kanw moutra dioti etsi mou aresei. :-( :-(


alximist said...

You can interprete things in a positive or a negative way, and this interpretation will only confirm the same fact in your negative or positive view. Try to change your view things, and then things will change...
sounds strange? read the secret, it explains this in more details, I just speak from my own experiences....

Axis Mundi said...

Many thanks for your comment.

My text may have sounded somewhat pessimistic although I assure you my intentions were far the opposite! After all we sometimes must see through negative to appreciate the positive..

Cinestef said...

Oh my!
I see that I am not the only one having wierd Fridays!
An pas sto blog mou, tha deis analogo post kai tha katalaveis... Des to CineStef's Phreaky Phriday.
Kalo Savvatokyriako, S!

Axis Mundi said...

@cinestef,τελικά με παρηγορεί που δεν είμαι ο μόνος (κι ελπίζω να μην ακουστεί εγωιστικό)!!!
Σήμερα όμως και πάλι παρασκευή και τα πράγματα δεν φαίνονται τόσο άσχημα, έτσι δεν είναι;;;

Cinestef said...

Hello s!
Πέρα από το γεγονός ότι με πήρε μιάμιση ώρα να κατέβω την Κηφισίας, η παρασκευή πάει μια χαρά!

Axis Mundi said...

mia mish wra sthn kifissias, paraskevi kai enopsi giortwn??? mia xara einai mh milas katholou :)))
ki egw gia kati douleies eksw vrhka poli kinisi alla ok, meros ths kathimerinotitas pia stin athina.

Cinestef said...

Μα καλά! Είδαν τον ήλιο καβγήκαν όλοι έξω? Έλεος!μα δεν πήγε κανένας δουλειά? Θα νυχτώσει ώσπου να φτάσω γραφείο! Ακόμα στο δρόμο είμαι! Ουφ!

Axis Mundi said...

και γράφεις στο μπλογκ μου απο τον δρόμο;;; αυτό αν μη τι άλλο ειναι τιμητικό!

Cinestef said...

Είδες τι σου είναι η τεχνολογία! Τόσες ώρες στον δρόμο έχω κάνει ΤΙΣ συζητήσεις στα μπλόγκ και τον msn messenger! Τι άλλο μπορεί να κάνει κανείς όταν περιμένει σε ατέλειωτες σειρές στην τράπεζα ή κολλάει στην κίνηση όταν έχει τελειώσει η μπαταρία του mp3?

Axis Mundi said...

kai poli kala kaneis! egw arkoumai kyriws sto mp3 otan eimai se tetoia anamonh alla kai sto net apo kinito mou kapoies fores, an yparxei eleuthero wifi sthn perioxh