Thursday, June 22, 2006

Heat - The Global phenomenon

As my PC is doing much better with the high outside temperatures, it seems that a far more serious heat issue was just announced by the American National Academy of Science.
Further to their latest scientific study, it appears that the Earth's temperature is the hottest it has been in at least 400 years, probably even more..
And while the US government is currently focusing on Iran's nuclear power plan, they have even officialy stated that the threat is not severe enough to warrant new pollution controls.. maintaining that such controls would cost 5 million American jobs..
So I'm wondering with the simplest possible logic, if Global warming persists, what good is a job if you can't properly live on earth?..

Source: Associated Press, reuters


Cinestef said...

It's like we say in Greek...

In front a cliff

From behind a ravine!

Axis Mundi said...

@cinestef, χαχαχα να υποθέσω το μπρος γκρεμός και πίσω ρέμα ε;;;
Θα ήθελα να γράψω και την μετάφραση μιας πιο χυδαίας ελληνικής έκφρασης στα αγγλικά αλλά δεν θα το κάνω.

Cinestef said...

Χε χε χε!
Έπεσες στην περίπτωση! Μπορώ να στην μεταφράσω εγώ! Ποια? ;)

Axis Mundi said...

έ όχι και πολική! υπερβάλλεις σινεστεφ! εγώ πάντως στο σπίτι είμαι με κοντομάνικο.. :)))

Cinestef said...

Κι εγώ στο σπίτι μέσα συνήθως έχω θερμοκρασίες Μαδαγασκάρης, γι'αυτό σήμερα έμεινα κι από πετρέλαιο. Σνιφ