Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The return...

Well I’m back.
A couple of weeks by the sea have certainly done wonders for me.
And no, I’m not talking about my suntan, but rather the peace of mind that I actually managed to obtain. All worries left behind, not the least bit of stress or anxiety, were the principal attributes to my successful rejuvenation. And all it took from my side in order to achieve this, was simply the use of some selective thinking or shall I call it selective amnesia of anything negative in my mind. Either way, that worked for me exactly like I wanted it not to mention at a time I needed it most. I’m not really sure if there’s such a thing as a mid-year crisis, but it seems I might have been going through a tough one in 2006.
It was a nice escapade while it lasted but as we all know, vacations don’t last forever.
My summer holidays seem to be over for the moment although one can never predict some spontaneous weekend getaways that may occur from time to time.. and to be quite honest I’m hoping and really looking forward to something like that.

Having recharged my batteries to their fullest, I’m now back and ready to move on and face whatever is out there.
I know I’ll miss a few things that I grew accustomed to, such as the sea’s lullaby with the waves breaking on the coast which was putting me to sleep every night, but as they say “time heals” so I guess I’ll get over it sometime.

PS: The picture above is just a sample of a natural canvas that I dedicated hours and hours observing.

More pics coming soon…