Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Strawberry Fields Forever!!

This entire post is exclusively dedicated to my favourite Strawberry who's celebrating her birthday today!

An extrordinary & unique strawberry who managed to reverse the aging process and keeps getting younger and younger while maintaining ripe and delicious every single year!

Happy Birthday and all the best for this year and years to come Φραουλίτα μου!

Αντε και του χρόνου στις Μαλδίβες (με καραβίδες) οπως είπαμε!!!!

And before I forget, here's one of my favourite recipes :


- 2 tb Strawberry Syrop

- 1 glass of cold water

- 1 cup of red & ripe strawberries

Use your imagination for the preparation process

1 Comment:

Iohannes said...

Soon I'll writte you, from Spain

Iohannes Dei

pd I like your weblog