Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday's prelude to autumn

Aren’t Saturdays supposed to be part of the weekend? Isn’t the weekend supposed to be part of a 2 day break to help us rest after a hectic 5 day workweek?
So why is it I’m working today?
Ok no whining, I promise.. it’s just that I didn’t get to do my favourite Saturday morning hobby (staying in bed) and I guess I’m a little cranky considering that the weather made it ideal for such an activity as it was a true prelude to autumn.

Partly cloudy skies, a significant drop in temperature and the smell of the autumn breeze.. an ideal morning indeed.

I’m sure you’ll agree that it has been a very long and intense summer this year, although it’s still uncertain whether it’s going to let us go so easily.

For all I know we could have another heat wave waiting around the corner…

Let’s hope not, bearing in mind that we’ve had enough heat this year (heat waves, wildfires, drought) and the signs are stronger than ever.

Global warming is threatening us with no mercy and instead of doing something about it, we are making it even worse by helping it evolve in a WMD.
Yes, a weapon of massive destruction.
And in case you’ve been brainwashed by imperialistic nonsense and linked this term to war, let me just tell you that this weapon isn’t about Iraq or Kosovo or any other havocked territory, it is about earth... and its power can cause immeasurable damage to this planet.
What worries me most though, is the ignorance and lack of interest by many of us…

Anyway, I wish I had more time to write more but I will have to dedicate another post to this important subject some other time as I still need to get some work done before my day is over.
For the time being, all my best for this weekend!

1 Comment:

Equilibrium said...

Join the club of those working at weekends..!Well-said thoughts on the WMD!